Altar Guild
The Altar Guild, is a ministry of Lay People and their responsibilities include caring for the church linens and vessels, as well as setting up for services and ordering supplies. Their faithful service to the church is commendable.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild is responsible for altar flower arrangements, floral centerpieces for special receptions, and decorating the church for Easter and Christmas. New members are welcome, and no experience is necessary – just an interest in flowers and a willingness to learn!
The greeters offer hospitality to both existing members and visitors who attend the worship services and other functions.
Prayer Chain
We’re a group of All Saints members who truly believe in the power of coming together to pray. You’re welcome to share your concerns, difficulties, and challenges, as well as moments of thankfulness and joy with our faith community through this healing ministry.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)
The Lay Eucharistic Ministers administer the wine during the Eucharistic service and assist the celebrant during the service. For more information on how to serve in this ministry, contact our Senior Warden or Pastoral Care Coordinator through the Church Office.
Lay Readers (Lectors)
Lectors or Lay Readers are volunteers who wish to perform the ministry of reading scriptural passages, the psalm, or the prayers of the people during the worship service.
The ushers distribute the service bulletins, provide information about the church facility, the worship service, or general information about the church. They facilitate the worship service by providing seating assistance, collecting the offering, and directing communion reception.