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Those Who Serve


The acolytes are trained youth who assist the clergy, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and lay readers in the conduct of the worship service. Those interested in being trained to be an acolyte may contact the Rector.

Altar Guild

Traditionally, the Altar Guild has been a group of women within the church whose duties were to insure that the church was set up properly for all worship services. Today, Altar Guilds are a ministry of Lay People, both male and female, young and old. Our duties include the care and cleaning of linens and Eucharistic vessels, polishing the brass, as well as service set up. We order all consumables that are used weekly. This includes sanctuary candles, candle oil, wine and wafers as well as cleaning supplies. At All Saints, the Altar Guild is divided into teams, each of which is responsible for one week a month. We are a flexible group, helping as needed. We work together to cover holiday services. This group of individuals is to be commended for its faithful service to our church.

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild is responsible for altar flower arrangements for weekly Sunday worship services, altar flowers for funerals when requested, floral centerpieces for special receptions, as well as for decorating the church for Easter and Christmas. Following Sunday services, altar flowers are delivered to parishioners who are ill or dealing with difficult times. Members of the Flower Guild usually meet twice a year for fellowship and to share and suggest ideas to improve our ministry and to discuss floral needs for Easter and Christmas. We are grateful to parishioners whose contributions provide weekly for altar flowers for Sunday services, poinsettias for Christmas and lilies and plants for Easter. Plants given at Easter are planted around the church so they may continue to be enjoyed during the summer and become part of our ongoing landscaping efforts. We would be delighted to welcome new members who would like to join this ministry whether experienced in flower arranging or not. All that is needed is an interest in flowers! New members are paired with existing members, and we all learn from and teach one another as we arrange the flowers for each Sunday service.


The greeters offer hospitality to both existing members and visitors who attend the worship services and other functions. They answer questions that a visitor may have. Greeters serve at both worship services. 

Healing Team & Prayer Chain

We are a group of All Saints members who recognize the power of group prayer. Prior to the pandemic, we offered laying-on of hands and prayer at Sunday worship. We are working to reactivate this hands-on ministry in the near future. In the meantime, our Prayer Chain is actively praying for all who have special needs. You are invited to bring your concerns, difficulties, and challenges as well as expressions of thankfulness and joy to our faith community through this ministry of healing community. Prayers are offered with and for anyone who wishes it in a setting of complete confidentiality.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)

The Lay Eucharistic Ministers administer the wine during the Eucharistic service and assist the celebrant during the service. For more information on how to serve in this ministry, contact our Senior Warden or Pastoral Care Coordinator through the Church Office.

Lay Readers (Lectors)

Lectors or Lay Readers are volunteers who are comfortable in front of the public and who wish to perform the ministry of reading scriptural passages, the psalm, or the prayers of the people during the worship service. The spoken Word is one of the most powerful signs of God's presence in our midst. 

Music and Choir

Our choir leads the liturgical music for Sunday and other primary services throughout the church year. Our central mission is to facilitate strong congregational singing at our services, and to secondarily provide sacred choral music from contemporary and traditional composers. The choir rehearses in the choir room every Thursday night from 7:00 – 8:30 from August through May. For more information, please contact Steve Blackstock at 


The ushers distribute the service bulletins, provide information about the church facility, the worship service, or general information about the church. They facilitate the worship service by providing seating assistance, collecting the offering, and directing communion reception. 

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